Las Vegas en youtube HQ

Published by giltrix under on 3:08 PM

Las Vegas

Published by giltrix under on 12:10 PM

Las Vegas - Funny videos are here

Las Vegas 2 - Watch today’s top amazing videos here

Las Vegas 3 - Funny bloopers R us

The Story of Stuff

Published by giltrix under on 10:38 AM

Teaser 1
It's all about externalizing the cost.
What that means is that the real costs of making stuff aren't captured in the price.
In other words, we aren't paying for the stuff we buy. I was thinking about this the other day. I was walking to work and I wanted to listen to the news, so I popped into Radio Shack to buy a radio. I found this cute little green radio for $4.99. I was standing there in line to buy this thing and I was thinking: how could $4.99 possibly capture the cost of making this radio and getting it into my hands?
The metal was probably mined in South Africa. The petroleum was probably drilled in Iraq. The Plastics were probably produced in China and maybe the whole thing was assembled by some 15 year old in a maquiladora in Mexico.
$4.99 wouln't even pay the rent for the shelf space it occupied until I came along, let alone part of the stuff guy's salary who helped me take it out or the multiple ocean cruises and truck rides pieces of this radio went on.
That's how I realized I didn't pay for the radio,
so, who did pay?

Teaser 2
Planned obsolescence is another word for designed for the dump.
It means they actually make stuff to be useless as quickly as possible so we'll chuck it and buy a new one.
It's obvious with things like plastic bags and coffee cups, but now it's even big stuff: mops, DVDs, cameras, barbeques even, everything!
Even computers. Have you noticed that when you buy a computer now, the technology is changing so fast that in just a couple of years it's actually an impediment to comunication?
I was curious about this so I opened up a big desktop computer to see what was inside it and I found out that the piece that changes each year is just a tiny little piece in the corner but you can't just change that one piece because each new version is a different shape so you have to chuck the whole thing and buy a new one.

Teaser 3
In the Us we spend three to four times as many hours shopping as our counterparts in Europe do.
So we are in this ridiculous situation where we go to work, maybe two jobs even, and then we come home and we're exhausted so we plop down on our new couch and watch tv
And the commercials tell us: you suck, so you gotta go to the mall and buy something to feel better and then we gotta go to work more paying for the stuff we just bought and we come home (...) and watch more tv and (...) go to mall again.
And we're on this crazy work watch spend treadmill.
And we could just STOP.

The Yes We Can Song

Published by giltrix under on 1:49 AM

I was sitting in my recording studio watching the debates...
Torn between the candidates

I was never really big on politics...
and actually I’m still not big on politics...
but 4 years ago, me and the black eyed peas supported Kerry...
And we supported Kerry with all our might...
We performed and performed and performed for the DNC...
doing all we could do to get the youth involved...

The outcome of the last 2 elections has saddened me...
on how unfair, backwards, upside down, unbalanced, untruthful,
corrupt, and just simply, how wrong the world and "politics" are...

So this year i wanted to get involved and do all i could early...

And i found myself torn...
because this time it’s not that simple...
our choices aren’t as clear as the last elections ...
last time it was so obvious...
Bush and war
no Bush and no war...

But this time it’s not that simple...
and there are a lot of people that are torn just like i am...

So for awhile I put it off and i was going to wait until it was decided for me...

And then came New Hampshire...

And i was captivated...


I reflected on my life...
and the blessings I have...
and the people who fought for me to have these rights and blessings...

and I’m not talking about a "black thing"
I’m talking about a "human thing" me as a "person"
an American...

That speech made me think of Martin Luther King...
and Lincoln...
and all the others that have fought for what we have today...

what America is "supposed" to be...

and truth...

and thats not what we have today...
we think we are free...
but in reality terror and fear controls our decisions...

this is not the America that our pioneers and leaders fought and
died for...

and then there was New Hampshire

it was that speech...
like many great speeches...
that one moved me...
because words and ideas are powerful...

It made me think...
and realize that today we have "very few" leaders...
maybe none...

but that speech...

it inspired me...
it inspired me to look inside myself and outwards towards the world...
it inspired me to want to change myself to better the world...
and take a "leap" towards change...
and hope that others become inspired to do the same...
change themselves..
change their greed...
change their fears...
and if we "change that"
"then hey"..
we got something right...???...

1 week later after the speech settled in me...
I began making this song...
I came up with the idea to turn his speech into a song...
because that speech effected and touched my inner core like nothing in a very long time...

it spoke to me...

because words and ideas are powerful...

I just wanted to add a melody to those words...
I wanted the inspiration that was bubbling inside me to take over...

so i let it..

I wasn't afraid to stand for something...
to stand for "change"...
I wasn't afraid of "fear"...
it was pure inspiration...

so I called my friends...
and they called their friends...
in a matter of 2 days...
We made the song and video...

Usually this process would take months...
a bunch of record company people figuring out strategies and release dates...
all that stuff...
but this time i took it in my own hands...
so i called my friends sarah pantera, mike jurkovac, fred goldring, and jesse dylan to help make it happen...
and they called their friends..
and we did it together in 48 hours...
and instead of putting it in the hands of profit we put it in the hands of inspiration...

then we put it on the net for the world to feel...

When you are truly inspired..
magic happens...
incredible things happen...
love happens..
(and with that combination)

"love, and inspiration"

change happens...

"change for the better"
Inspiration breeds change...

"Positive change"...

no one on this planet is truly experienced to handle the obstacles we face today...
Terror, fear, lies, agendas, politics, money, all the above...
It’s all scary...

Martin Luther King didn't have experience to lead...
Kennedy didn't have experience to lead...
Susan B. Anthony...
Nelson Mandela...
Rosa Parks...
Anne Frank...
and everyone else who has had a hand in molding the freedoms we have and take for granted today...

no one truly has experience to deal with the world today...

they just need "desire, strength, courage ability, and passion" to change...
and to stand for something even when people say it's not possible...

America would not be here "today" if we didn’t stand and fight for
change "yesterday"...
Everything we have as a "people" is because of the "people" who fought for
and whoever is the President has to realize we have a lot of changing to do

I'm not trying to convince people to see things how i do...
I produced this song to share my new found inspiration and how I've been moved...
I hope this song will make you feel...
and think...
and be inspired just like the speech inspired me...

that’s all...

Let's all come together like America is supposed to...
Like Japan did after Hiroshima...

that was less than 65 years ago...
and look at Japan now...

they did it together...
they did it...

"We can't?...

Are you serious..?..


Yes we can...
A United "America"
Democrats, Republicans and Independents together...
Building a new America

We can do it...

Thank you for reading and listening...

The We Are The Ones Song

Published by giltrix under on 1:44 AM

people say Obama’s words are just words...
when was the last time "words" weren’t important...???...

when was the last time a great leader didn’t use words to lead...??...
when was the last time a person didn’t use words to describe how they felt...?...
when was the last time "words" weren’t empowering...?...

and we can all recall the last time "words" were used to divide us and install fear...

Bush used words to fear us into voting for him the second time around...
terror this...
terror that...
nuclear here...
weapons of mass destruction there...

and those words effected a lot of people’s choices...

"enough is enough"...
let’s rebuild...

let’s change ourselves...
let’s allow positivity to guide us...

let's take action....
let’s activate our passion...
we are Americans....

and this is the first time in forever that someone running for president represents "US"...

some say this is all excitement...
I call it “proud to be an American”...

some say this whole Obama movement is "cult like"...
if it comes across cult like...
the cult is called America...

the Obama movement is connecting America.
and it has made "US" realize our importance...
the youth is excited and activated...
adults are passionate and motivated...
the elderly are proud to know the country they built is in safe hands...

we are one...

for too long politics has been corrupt...
separate from the American people...
with agendas that go against what the American people "need"...

politicians have spoken a different language...
making it so the youth and poor people feel as if voting was only for the wealthy and old people...
making "US" feel as if "we" had no voice...
making "US" feel powerless...
making it feel like if "we" did vote it wouldn’t change anything...

but wait...
that did happen...
some of us voted, and it didn’t change anything...

we were in the dark...
we had no voice...
we were powerless...

because America was not a united America...
and "they" spoke a different language...
and they had an agenda different from our well being...

correct me if I’m wrong... or speak up if I’m missing something...

we want education, health, safety, and good jobs...right???...
oh yeah...
and "a healthy planet to live on"...

but here we are...

in a war... poor education... poor health programs... the dollar is down... the planet, polluted...
the rich, richer... and the poor, struggling...
with sky high gas prices to top it all off...

and now even the rich aren't really rich internationally because our dollar is has fallen so far down...

in our slumber... a very small few got really rich...

because when you’re sleeping...

"it’s hard to change agendas"...

we know what happened in 2000 and 2004...
but in 2008...
it’s different...

we are awake...
and there is a movement...

and "it’s hard to change a movement"...

last time "we" didn’t have a movement...
America wasn’t united...

and now "United and "Standing"...for something...
we know the power of "US"...
and we have a person who represents the "U.S."...


"we are the ones we’ve been waiting for"...

I’m proud to be an American...

Entrevista a Warren Buffett

Published by giltrix under on 8:05 AM
Hubo una entrevista de una hora en CNBC con Warren Buffett, la segunda persona más rica del mundo, quien donó 31 mil millones de dólares para la caridad. He aquí algunos aspectos muy interesantes de su vida:

1. Compró su primer acción a los 11 años y se lamenta de haber empezado demasiado tarde.

2. Compró una pequeña granja a los 14 años con sus ahorros provenientes de repartir periódicos.

3. Todavía vive en la misma pequeña casa de 3 cuartos en Omaha que compró luego de casarse hace 50 años. Él dice que tiene todo lo que necesita en esa casa. Su casa no tiene ningún muro o reja.

4. Él maneja su propio carro a todo lado y no anda con chofer o guardaespaldas.

5. Nunca viaja en jet privado, a pesar de ser el dueño de la compañía de jets privados más grande del mundo.

6. Su compañía, Berkshire Hathaway, es dueña de 63 compañías. Él le escribe sólo una carta cada año a los directivos de estas compañías, dándole las metas para el año. Nunca convoca a reuniones o los llama regularmente. Él le ha dado dos reglas a sus empleados.

Regla número 1: No perder nada del dinero de sus accionistas.

Regla número 2: No olvidar la regla número 1.

7. Él no socializa con la gente de la alta sociedad. Su pasatiempo cuando llega a casa es prepararse palomitas de maíz y ver televisión.

8. Bill Gates, el hombre más rico del mundo, lo conoció apenas hace cinco años. Bill Gates pensó que no tenía nada en común con Warren Buffett. Por esto, programó la reunión para que durara únicamente media hora. Pero cuando Gates lo conoció, la reunión duró 10 horas y Bill Gates se volvió un devoto de Warren Buffett.

9. Warren Buffet no anda con celular ni tiene una computadora en su escritorio.

10. Su consejo para la gente joven:

Aléjese de las tarjetas de crédito e invierta en usted.


A. El dinero no crea al hombre, sino que fue el hombre el que creó el dinero.

B. La vida es tan simple como usted la haga.

No se vaya por las marcas. Póngase aquellas cosas en las que se sienta cómodo.

No gaste su dinero en cosas innecesarias. Gaste en aquellos que de verdad lo necesitan.


Los nuevos bañadores marcan la diferencia en el mundo de la natación

Published by giltrix under on 8:00 AM
El australiano Kieren Perkins, ex campeón olímpico de 1.500 libre, teme que los nuevos bañadores que usan los autores de la mayoría de los últimos récords mundiales afecten a la esencia del deporte y establezcan diferencias injustas entre nadadores.

Once marcas mundiales ha sido batidas desde que el mes pasado la marca "Speedo" lanzó sus nuevas mallas "LZR Racer", a un precio de 800 dólares australianos (470 euros).

El bañador, de un material que repele el agua, ha sido aprobada por la FINA con la salvedad de que esté disponible para todos los competidores que participarán en los Juegos Olímpicos de Pekín.

Perkins sugiere, según recoge el diario local "The Daily Telegraph", que factores como el precio y los acuerdos comerciales podrían ser desventajosos para algunos de los competidores.

Más daños que progresos

"No tengo problemas con que los avances tecnológicos jueguen algún rol en la natación, pero creo que van a causar mas daño que progresos al dividir a los competidores entre aquellos que pueden y los que no", comentó Perkins.

"La natación siempre ha sido un deporte bastante puro en el sentido de que todos compiten en igualdad de condiciones. Pero cuando algunas personas poseen una superioridad tecnológica gracias al equipamiento, ello va, en cierto sentido, contra lo que hace maravilloso nuestro deporte", continuó Perkins.

Los comentarios de Perkins llegan sólo algunos días después de que Claude Fauquet, director técnico de la Federación Francesa de Natación, solicitase un debate "ético" sobre el uso de las nuevas mallas.

FINA mantiene que las mallas son legales, pero planea reunirse con representantes de Speedo durante los campeonatos mundiales de natación en piscina corta que se celebrarán en Manchester, Inglaterra, para consultar sobre el grosor del material de dichas mallas. Sin embargo, la preocupación de Perkins no es sólo a nivel de elite.

"No es sólo acerca de los Juegos Olímpicos. Tiene que ver con la participación de niños en competiciones escolares de natación a las que algunos llegarán con las mallas de tecnología avanzada y otros no", destacó Perkins.

La ex nadadora australiana Susie O'Neill manifestó que no tenía ningún problema con las nuevas mallas.

The Story of Stuff

Published by giltrix under on 6:53 AM

Teaser 1
It's all about externalizing the cost.
What that means is that the real costs of making stuff aren't captured in the price.
In other words, we aren't paying for the stuff we buy. I was thinking about this the other day. I was walking to work and I wanted to listen to the news, so I popped into Radio Shack to buy a radio. I found this cute little green radio for $4.99. I was standing there in line to buy this thing and I was thinking: how could $4.99 possibly capture the cost of making this radio and getting it into my hands?
The metal was probably mined in South Africa. The petroleum was probably drilled in Iraq. The Plastics were probably produced in China and maybe the whole thing was assembled by some 15 year old in a maquiladora in Mexico.
$4.99 wouln't even pay the rent for the shelf space it occupied until I came along, let alone part of the stuff guy's salary who helped me take it out or the multiple ocean cruises and truck rides pieces of this radio went on.
That's how I realized I didn't pay for the radio,
so, who did pay?

Teaser 2
Planned obsolescence is another word for designed for the dump.
It means they actually make stuff to be useless as quickly as possible so we'll chuck it and buy a new one.
It's obvious with things like plastic bags and coffee cups, but now it's even big stuff: mops, DVDs, cameras, barbeques even, everything!
Even computers. Have you noticed that when you buy a computer now, the technology is changing so fast that in just a couple of years it's actually an impediment to comunication?
I was curious about this so I opened up a big desktop computer to see what was inside it and I found out that the piece that changes each year is just a tiny little piece in the corner but you can't just change that one piece because each new version is a different shape so you have to chuck the whole thing and buy a new one.

Teaser 3
In the Us we spend three to four times as many hours shopping as our counterparts in Europe do.
So we are in this ridiculous situation where we go to work, maybe two jobs even, and then we come home and we're exhausted so we plop down on our new couch and watch tv
And the commercials tell us: you suck, so you gotta go to the mall and buy something to feel better and then we gotta go to work more paying for the stuff we just bought and we come home (...) and watch more tv and (...) go to mall again.
And we're on this crazy work watch spend treadmill.
And we could just STOP.

Un anuncio genial

Published by giltrix under on 2:32 PM
Es de hace tiempo